is one of the many independent Mastodon servers you can use to participate in the fediverse.
Quux World was almost an invitation-only foocamp/barcamp thunk up in 2019. We still have the online infrastructure we started building, including this Fediverse node.

Administered by:

Server stats:

active users

It's not enough to squat a Mastodon handle that you never use.

It's not enough to automatically repost your Twitter timeline.

You have a chance to be part of something new. Something important. To shape it in the right way.

With all of us.

Breathe life into *this* community and *this* network by posting here, creating here, connecting here.

Be here now.

Mark Atwood

@evan that's my intent. All the people who show up and then start trying to design politics and policies of exclusion while calling it the opposite do make it harder for me to care.